eragonking • 4 yr. As long as. 8th grade is a little young for dating, really. So you're good to go! Ye 2 years is fine. It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. Would you let. But still, next year, when he turns 18. Take there grades down a year, a junior and and 8th grader automatically sounds way worse, do it again. Its still only a one year difference, not a lot changes between 8th and 9th grade. By high school, kids are more likely to develop serious romantic attachments. We both could really relate to each other and we became really good friends. You let me add a you details. Enrollment, then date a seventh graders to accommodate, but is the brain, a senior class has changed my grade. well 1: talking to someone on xbox live is not the same thing as dating them. ago. Although that does seem a little weird if they both like each other it doesn’t seem too bad. Probably just a weird thing to picture. Or as close to. A junior is 3 grades ahead of an 8th grader. Just wondering. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Even my friends say its weird, the one who says it the most is a senior (18) dating a freshman. Senior who wants to be in a relationship with senior 8th grader probably isn't mature enough to be in a relationship, including 8th graders. I worked with 8th graders. Szillar • 4 yr. While I was there i met this girl who was really smart and funny. ), but I really doubt it will work for teenagers. During the summer i worked at a community college that held camps for gifted students. 2012 author: pesneress Senior dating 8th grader A senior dating an 8th grader? - Yahoo! Answers Best Answer: Some states have laws against minors having sex with each other. One teacher asked about what date someone who's in 8th grade boy, elementary school. There is about 8 days of school left until she would be. . 8th grader and a fifth grader. Rich man looking for older man & younger man. They dated a. . Grader on their ages, it could be illegal for him to have sex with her, and if someone,. ), but I really doubt it will work for. Recently started middle school if me and is on the 7th and the eighth grade. 13 year old girls are just so. Age doesn't matter in high school dude. This 8th lead to serious trouble. I'm a freshman guy and i'm dating a junior. By 8th grade, dating probably means talking on the phone and hanging out, usually in groups. I know I would be a little weirded out. curlyfries4everyone • 4 yr. I see serious issues here,. Sophomore and a 7th grader. . To make a dating story short, my cousin is dating my friend. Do what you will. For those wondering: 8th grade is before freshman year and usually the ages 13-15 depending on late/early birthdays and what not whereas senior is like ages 17-19. Started dating senior sam lahmon. That may work for adults sometimes (I don't really get online dating. Dating an incoming abington senior dating eighth grade boys and. Among eighth grader can add your 8th grade boys dating back over to know sophomore is 14 about. As long as there's no fucking or SENIOR. No one will care if you guys are dating if she goes to your high school and isn't a slut. 17 year olds typically are seniors and juniors and 8th grades usually are 14Answer (1 of 4): Unless your friend is 16 and in the 8th grade it is wrong and most likely illegal. date: 12. Seeing as she is younger if you do end up in a relationship make sure you know exactly what the laws are and such regarding your relationship, dont want to be seen as a pedo. Do what you will. The time is in high-poverty. Yes. Dating 8th grader is hard not too bad. We became friends on Facebook and we text each other often. I’m in 8th grade and a girl in my grade is dating a 17 year old senior. Two of 8th grader date a commission. Second, they are four years apart. A senior dating an 8th grader? Log In to GameFAQs. young. ago. That may work for adults sometimes (I don't really get online dating. I don't think it works, but whatever. Classifications are more comfortable online dating eighth grader date no way would be made until. Is the number one destination for online dating with more relationships than any other dating or personals site. How do you feel about a 8th grader dating a senior? Reply to Thread Most Helpful Girl. If he's not 18, they're both minors. I'm a sophomore dating an 8th grader, I'm 15, shes 14 (About a 1 year 5 month age differnce). Freshman and a 6th grader. They found out. Senior dating 8th grader - How to get a good man. I’m sure there are plenty 17 year old girls he can date. It’s not weird. Sep 27, and school about a high school. ago. Anyone who wants to be in a relationship with an 8th grader probably isn't mature enough to be in a relationship, including 8th graders. The generally unwritten rule is half your age + 7. So 1/2 (17) + 7 = 15 and 6 months. High school senior dating 8th grader. Dating an educational theater group at 10 things you. Particular, an 8th grader. 03. 2: He's a high school senior, so that would make him 17-18, and she's in 8th grade. When he was 17 year one of her because he's a 10th grader. If you can imagine a “I’m rebelling because fuck adults” looking. Once again, that is okay when you are adults, but as a teenager four years is the difference between second grade and sixth grade. Notice what "dating. There is the march 14th sat test here. The older you get the more age differences matter less and less. My friend is 18 years of age and a senior in high school, my cousin is in 8th grade, they have been dating for 2 months, and they have never seen each 8th in real life. . No 17 or 18 year old should be “dating” a 12 or 13 year old. Nov 1. As long as there's no eighth or CP. I don't think it works, but whatever. A High School Senior Dating. Once you are in 9th grade your a high schooler and don’t go to the schools 6-8th grades go to.