The first episode of Tommy Robinson’s new podcast will be released today exclusively on Rumble at 8pm Greenwich / 2 pm Eastern. Strip the fraudulent knighthood from that globalist, establishment hack and war criminal Tony Blair and give it to Tommy Robinson. 87. Over New Years Eve, “we had to bring 40 men and relocate the family” of one of his victims, Robinson explained (Gateway reported). 388. Via Twitter Stephen Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, only believes wome. GETTR. com. January 1, 2022 ·. Please support our incredibly important work so we can continue to shine a light on child sexual exploitation by CLICKING HERE. They did not do so from a left-wing perspective. . About $15,000 each went to firms marked as connected to well-known conservative commentators Dinesh D’Souza and Jack Posobiec and to British rightist Tommy Robinson, the document said. African people who practice Judaism are not welcome in “Israel” the self confessed “Jewish State” a white “Jewish” state. . Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Maajid Usman Nawaz (Urdu: [ˈmaːdʒɪd̪ nəwaːz]; born 2 November 1977) is a British activist and former radio presenter. Our site works best with Chrome. I wonder why?Tommy Robinson is premiering his sensational documentary “The Rape of Britain” in Telford, UK, today at 8 pm GMT (3 pm EST, 12 pm PST) and livestreaming on GETTR. Calvin Robinson. Jan 4, 2022 at 11:31 am. Which means that Tommy Robinson claims that Islamic scripture is the truth. A sneak peak will be premiering on GETTR on Wednesday. Via Twitter Look who has turned up on Robinson's Gettr account, one of his former EDL mates who in December 2011 was sentenced to prison for forcing entry to the Tyneside Irish Centre in Newcastle. DOWNLOAD GETTR on Google Play here. The steeple of Eglise Notre Dame Drosnay can be seen collapsing in the devastating video. 6M people have watched this. . Telegram. You can order “Silenced” here. GETTR opens your way to new experiences. Close. Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldVoice Of Wales reports on The Rape of Britain documentary by Tommy Robinson Team. how do I get off of the stage? The joke is on you, Americans. When I see people talking about beating, burning houses down, shooting and bombing, that's worrying. Time for some c̵o̵n̵t̵r̵o̵l̵l̵e̵d̵ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 opposition. 18:45, 4 JAN 2022. 3. We would like to set additional cookies to understand site usage and. 2K. Monday, 7-8 PM on GETTR. orSee more of Tommy Robinson Exposed on Facebook. Watch Tommy Robinson's documentary, Panodrama on #GETTR! Stay tuned for a new video trailer for "Rape of Britain" coming Jan 1st 8pm UK. The former English Defence League leader has. Tommy Robinson. GETTR tried the best to provide best software quality to the users, allow anyone to express their opinion freely. Oct 10, 2013. Tommy Robinson has debuted the trailer of his explosive doc on Muslim “grooming” (child rape) gangs. British journalist and free speech activist Tommy Robinson’s car was firebombed on Sunday, one day after he released a trailer for his upcoming documentary exposing Muslim grooming gangs. Abolish teachers unions. Massive crowds of British patriots are convening on Telford ahead of the event. The doc will premier Jan. ”Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News. 07. Tony Blair getting a New Year Honour is obscene. With best in class technology, our goal is to create a marketplace of ideas in order to share freedom and democracy around the world. . Available on: Rumble: @PilledNet @PilledAdmin :. Internet Explorer is not supported. Today, Tommy Robinson and us here at Urban Scoop were notified by Mailchimp, our mass email provider, that we could no longer use their services, only a day after us releasing a video with Tommy detailing all the threats and who made them. Tommy Robinson News. Tommy Robinson ExposedTommy Robinson. orTommy Robinson is a self confessed Zionist and openly supports the most FACIST state on earth, lets have a quick recap on “Israel”. Macroaggressions is a video and audio podcast with Charlie Robinson, author of "The Octopus of Global Control" and the new book, "The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire". 😂See more of Tommy Robinson Exposed on Facebook. The Mc Files. Join new communities that represent your interests. Gab SocialTommyRobinson1 on GETTR: #TheRapeOfBritain Sign up to: #TheRapeOfBritain Sign up to: LikeSee more of Tommy Robinson Exposed on Facebook. 0:27. An apartheid racist state. Tonight we will be discussing the 7th of July, a date which lives in infamy on both sides of the pond. TONIGHT: Tommy Robinson's #TheRapeOfBritain - Exclusive on #GETTR! LIVE AT 8PM TONIGHT ( PST12pm/EST3pm) is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture”. . Maybe, one day, it will. 1,288. @TRobinsonNewEra. Access our website in 13 different languages. Massive crowds of British patriots are convening on Telford ahead of the event. The fire took hold in an underground car park, located below a migrant hotel in the area. The Rape of Britain: With Tommy Robinson, Jim Bayliss, Mohammed Charlie Khan. 6. Tommy, please spread this message! This is Canada 🇨🇦 We are all Tommy Robinson!! is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture”. Premiered in Telford and released through Gettr. gettr. The documentary follows a grooming gangs rape survivor, and her fruitless attempts to find justice. Massive crowds of British patriots are convening on Telford ahead of the event. Until January 2022, he was the host of an LBC. CELEBRATING THE DIVERSE RAPE OF BRITAIN. Umm. Have you been wondering exact what. California was hit with more turbulent weather Sunday as thunderstorms, snow and damaging winds swept into the northern part the state, preceding another series of incoming storms and raising the. We also use cookies set by other sites to. GETTR is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture”. Likabout is secured and made for all. Supporters of Tommy Robinson are planning to march from Telford Railway Station to mark the launch of a documentary about Child Sexual Exploitation in the town. 354. Tommy Robinson posed for pictures, arm in arm, with notorious Ballyf. Tommy Robinson News. . SILENCED - with Tommy Robinson will go live at 8pm UK time, see link below (the link will go live at 8pm). He claimed "it's the British thing to do. We discuss polling, economy, battleground states, and more. Tommy Robinson is in Ireland to expose the tragedy in his new documentary “Plantation 2 – Rise of the Celts” and will be live today on Telegram at approx. This interview by Nupur J Sharma (Editor-in-Chief of OpIndia) of UK Activist Tommy Robinson was recorded in September after the Leicester violence against Hi. Rowling from getting a huge public vote of approval - the truth? Anyone's. Tune in. This is what journalists used to do before they all sold themselves and their people out to the highest bidder. ” The video was pre-recorded to be. However, as he rightfully points. tommyrobinson. NEW YORK — An exiled Chinese tycoon indicted in New York earlier this month in a billion-dollar fraud case controls the conservative social. . Upcoming Event: Telford 2pm UK Joined January. The Ability to Speak Your Mind With MORE - post messages up to 777 characters, you have more space to. This is a must watch from Tommy Robinson. Please support Tommy's Investigation of Telford child rape gangs here -pronouns are man/him. Whether GETTR will succeed is dubious at best. Read more. Darren Grimes. In a video posted on Tommy Robinsons GETTR account, he revealed that the March will assemble at 2pm on 29th January at the Railway Station and then make its way to Malinsgate Police. You won’t want to miss this! In 2016, The Economist revealed that HNH exaggerated purported hate-speech surrounding the murder of Jo Cox MP by 3000%. Tune in to Robinson’s GETTR and Rumble page for the full documentary. We use necessary cookies to make our site work. TOMMY ROBINSON. Tommy Robinson is the Founder and ex-Leader of the English Defence League (EDL) which was formed in. Around 800 fascists and racists—including Tommy Robinson and far right Anne Marie Waters—turned out in the West Midlands town of Telford on Saturday. Tommy Robinson's ex-wife 'has set up a firm to raise funds for far-Right activist'. Tommy Robinson is premiering his sensational documentary “The Rape of Britain” in Telford, UK, today at 8 pm GMT (3 pm EST, 12 pm PST) and livestreaming on GETTR. ‘Harpo’ O’Driscoll is a brother of notorious west Dublin gang boss ‘Dee Dee’ O’Driscoll and a convicted heroin dealer in his own right. Organisers say the event is taking place to "stand with. Log In. — Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) July 11, 2019As reported earlier, during a recent COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent. Tommy Robinson spent £100,000 gambling before bankruptcy, court hears. Robinson, Miller and GETTR International coordinator Matther Tyrmand discussed the future of content creators on the platform, including live-steaming videos and possible monetization further down the road. Tommy Robinson confronts a man in Telford. ConversationLINK TommyRobinson1 on GETTR : This is beyond a joke now, he hasn't a clue what's happening. Massive crowds of British patriots are convening on Telford ahead of the event. hey're very alarming. Nicole was 13 when she fell victim to the Telford rape gang. orkers don't have a "habit of going into work when not well" Key comparison: - Statutory sick pay in Germany 50% pay for 84 weeks. #world #god. The White House claims that Biden was talking about the IRA when claiming that student loan forgiveness was passed through Congress, despite the interview with NowThis specifically talking about the executive order and never. Andrew Tate Tommy Robinson Urban Scoop Rape Allegation Romania Web Cam Girls Hope Not Hate. With best in class technology, our goal is to create a marketplace of ideas in order to share freedom and democracy around the world. Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif, one of the biggest mosques in the city, is in the spotlight again after a visiting imam invited to lead prayers during an event allegedly praised executed. 🐁☢️Яеfuseniк☢️🐀 . GETTR is a non-bias parentheses [sic] network for people all over the world. In this report, I travelled to Telford where journalist Tommy Robinson premiered his new documentary titled "The Rape of Britain" to a crowd of around 1,500 people. . “Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered. ARTICLES :-Only charge if in the public interest. GETTR is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture”. Gardai have confirmed they are at the scene of a car fire in Ballymun. Gift Article. Political thought, news, justice, faith, and all things in betweenTommy Robinson has been sentenced to six months in prison for three counts of contempt of court and will likely be sent back immediately following the conclusion of the hearing. Robinson is holding a book signing event in Telford on the 10th of July at 6pm. It's free. Tommy Robinson’s latest documentary…. With best in class technology, our goal is to create a. Our site works best with Chrome. 19K views, 115 likes, 9 loves, 551 comments, 72 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from TelfordLive: Tommy Robinson confirms next Telford Demonstration Following his High Court appearance in London this. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. People owed an estimated £2m by English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson have appointed an independent insolvency expert to try to recover their money before a March deadline. Activist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson joined this episode of The Jeff Dornik Show to discuss a wide variety of topics in relation to the Powers-That-Be and their plan to take over the world. The convoy is now over 70km long and American truckers are now joining their neighbours north of the border 🔥LINK TommyRobinson1 on GETTR : Maajid Nawaz leaves Joe Rogan speechless by explaining how the World Economic Forum (WEF) is infiltrating governments around the world. Robinson’s. If you are a local Plymouth business and want to add your business link. ing to withdraw his funds from a bank account he set up during his visit to Russia in 2020, but couldn't as it is now frozen! With the hearing about his alleged bankruptcy due to take place on 22nd/23rd March at the London High Court, the noose on Tommy Robinson's finances is. California Hit by More Storms, Braces for Potential Floods. Our Guests Are: Andy Ogles, Morgonn McMichael, Ashton Munholland Stay ahead. ” Tommy Robinson will premiere “The Rape of Britain” in Telford and online on GETTR Jan. Consider this young girl murdered, one of an unnumerable victims of migrants – whether fatal or otherwise, as Tommy Robinson has outlined in his series (and worthy of support): The Rape Of Britain – Urban Scoop. Hit energy companies where it hurts…About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. 8 cars have been firebombed by the rape gangs in Telford and 2 witness families. Swansea Council Forgets its Homeless for City Of Sanctuary. 16 861. 35. Disturbing TommyRobinson1 on GETTR : The 'World Health Organisation' quickly jumped from mass genocide Covid jabs to sexualising kids!Tommy Robinson just staged a protest at a Balenciaga store, showing printed images to the public of them attempting to normalise child sexualisation in their. . 0. 3 months ago “The Rape of Britain” documentary by.